Space Access 2019 Preliminary Conference Schedule

at the Fremont Marriott Silicon Valley 4/18-4/20

Updated 3/10/19

A handful of presentations are still pending. Preliminary presentations sequence and program-segment assignments are set, but specific presentation start-times & durations are still TBD. Presenters who see their talks occurring before they'll arrive, after they leave, or otherwise at seriously inconvenient times should contact us ASAP.

Wednesday evening 4/17/19 - Preregistrants badge pickup? Exhibitor advance setup? A preconference place to meet and hang out? Stay tuned, details RSN.

Thursday 4/18/19 - The Entrepreneurial Revolution In Smallsat Launch

Friday 4/19/19 - Reusable Rocket Transport Networks in Earth-Moon Space

Saturday 4/20/19 - Getting There Faster: Advanced High Energy Propulsion

Thursday 4/18/19 - The Entrepreneurial Revolution In Smallsat Launch

~7am Exhibits (in Fremont Ballroom) available for exhibitor setup

~8am Hospitality (in Fremont Ballroom), Exhibits, and Registration (in Ballroom foyer) open

9am - SA2019 Program underway in Main Ballroom (across foyer from Fremont)

Midmorning Break

~12:15pm - Break for Lunch (on your own)

2pm - Program resumes

~6pm - Break for Dinner (on your own)

8pm - Program resumes

~10pm - End of Thursday programming

Friday 4/19/19 - Reusable Rocket Transport Networks in Earth-Moon Space

8am Hospitality, Exhibits, and Registration open

9am - SA2019 Program resumes

Midmorning Break

~12:15pm - Break for Lunch (on your own)

2pm - Program resumes

Midafternoon Break

~6pm - Break for Dinner (on your own)

8pm - Program resumes

~10pm - End of Friday programming 

Saturday 4/20/19 - Getting There Faster: Advanced High Energy Propulsion

8am Hospitality, Exhibits, and Registration open

9am - SA2019 Program resumes

Midmorning Break

~12:15pm - Break for Lunch (on your own)

2pm - Program resumes

Midafternoon Break

~6pm - End of formal conference programming - Saturday Night Networking begins. Marriott Bar, Hospitality, and possibly some privately-hosted parties open till late.

Sunday 4/21/19

Hospitality Open 8 - 11 am for continental breakfast and coffee and one last chance to talk with your fellow conference-goers before you head home.

Exhibits open 8 - 11 am for exhibitor teardown

SA2019 over - see you next time...