- # sa2019-sitesnips
- Space Access 2019 website snippets
- This repo is intended as an aide for developing the website at:
- https://sa2019.erps.org
- The website is built using Joomla.
- ## Source materials
- Source material comes from these pages:
- * http://space-access.org/
- * http://space-access.org/updates/sa2019prog.html -
- particularly the section "Preliminary SA2019 Conference Agenda"
- ## jm-mainbody
- This subdirectory includes raw HTML fragments which can be
- manipulated through the Joomla editor interface.
- It includes the main body of a page, but not the sidebars.
- Content is added by a site administrator in a rich text editing window.
- One of the editor options is "tinyMCE", and includes a raw HTML mode.
- It is thus possible to craft raw HTML snippets offline and copy them in.
- Early commits to this repository had
- HTML lines broken into wrapper structures (including style in tag) and internal content.
- The idea was to make changes trackable.
- This later migrated to copying the raw HTML fragment that can be edited by tinyMCE.
- Once saved by the Joomla editor,
- the wrapper structure disappears,
- resulting in single-line paragraphs and list items.
- In the case of "news/7-agenda", there are in fact, two version of the HTML file:
- * "7-agenda.frag-tinymce.html" contains HTML fragment after it has been
- rewritten by the TinyMCE editor. (Wrapper structure disappears.)
- * "7-agenda.frag.html" is the structured form.
- However, later versions simply name the raw HTML fragment with suffix ".frag.html".