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421 B

function dy = flight_vacuum(y, t)
G = 6.672e-11;
M = 5.98e24;
W = 7.27e-5;
dy(1) = y(4);
dy(2) = y(5);
dy(3) = y(6);
dy(4) = -(G*M)/(y(1)^2) + y(1)*(y(5)^2) + ((W + y(6))^2)*y(1)*(cos(y(2))^2);
dy(5) = (-1/y(1))*( y(1)*cos(y(2))*sin(y(2))*(W+y(6))^2 + 2*y(4)*y(5));
dy(6) = (-1/(y(1)*cos(y(2))))*(2*(W*(y(4)-y(1)*y(5))+y(4)*y(6))*cos(y(2)) -