Based on the original Rocket Workbench on SourceForge in CVS at:
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simulation =
(initial_conditions = (u = 400.0,
v = 0.0,
w = 0.0,
P = 0.0,
Q = 0.0,
R = 0.0,
latitude = 0.0,
longitude = 0.0,
altitude = 1000.0,
phi = 0.0,
theta = 90.0,
psi = 0.0
rocket = (stage = (dry_mass = 10.0,
Ix = 0.0025,
Iy = 0.84,
Iz = 0.84,
Cdrag = 0.2,
Clift = 2.3,
Cbeta = 2.3,
Cspin = 20.0,
Cmoment = 6.32,
Cdamping = 31.6,
Diameter = 0.1143,
# this is the total duration during which the
# stage is active, i.e. from the time the previous
# stage were drop until this stage is drop.
active_time = 100.0,
engine = (type = "constant_thrust",
propellant_mass = 2.0,
dry_mass = 1.0,
thrust = 1000.0,
mass_flow = 2.0,
start_time = 0.0,
burn_time = 100.0,
drop_time = 100.0,
position = (x = -1.0,
y = 0.0,
z = 0.0),
direction = (x = 1.0,
y = 0.0,
z = 0.0)
engine = (type = "thrust_table_data",
propellant_mass = 2.0,
dry_mass = 1.0,
thrust_data_file = "thrust.dat",
c = 2500.0, #effective exhaust velocity
start_time = 0.0,
burn_time = 100.0,
drop_time = 100.0,
position = (x = -1.0,
y = 0.0,
z = 0.0),
direction = (x = 1.0,
y = 0.0,
z = 0.0)
stage = (dry_mass = 10.0,
Ix = 0.0025,
Iy = 0.84,
Iz = 0.84,
Cdrag = 0.2,
Clift = 2.3,
Cbeta = 2.3,
Cspin = 20.0,
Cmoment = 6.32,
Cdamping = 31.6,
Diameter = 0.1143,
# this is the total duration during which the
# stage is active, i.e. from the time the previous
# stage were drop until this stage is drop.
active_time = 100.0,
engine = (type = "constant_thrust",
propellant_mass = 2.0,
dry_mass = 1.0,
thrust = 1000.0,
mass_flow = 2.0,
start_time = 0.0,
burn_time = 100.0,
drop_time = 100.0,
position = (x = -1.0,
y = 0.0,
z = 0.0),
direction = (x = 1.0,
y = 0.0,
z = 0.0)
engine = (type = "thrust_table_data",
propellant_mass = 2.0,
dry_mass = 1.0,
thrust_data_file = "thrust.dat",
c = 2500.0, #effective exhaust velocity
start_time = 0.0,
burn_time = 100.0,
drop_time = 100.0,
position = (x = -1.0,
y = 0.0,
z = 0.0),
direction = (x = 1.0,
y = 0.0,
z = 0.0)
,solution = (duration = 50.0,
dt = 0.01,
precision = 0.01)