Taken from sources in CVS at: https://sourceforge.net/projects/rocketworkbench/ Sources extracted in two steps: 1. Pull entire project tree into a subdir "rwb" via "rsync": rsync -a a.cvs.sourceforge.net::cvsroot/rocketworkbench/ rwb/. 2. Export sources: export CVSROOT=$(pwd)/rwb SUBDIRS="analyser cpropep cpropep-web CVSROOT data libcompat libcpropep libnum libsimulation libthermo prop rocketworkbench rockflight" mkdir rwbx; cd rwbx cvs export -D now ${SUBDIRS} After this (and some backups for safety), the directory content was added to a Git repo: git init . git add *
30 lines
550 B
30 lines
550 B
WGS-84 modeling constants:
Semi-major axis
a = 6378137.0 m
Semi-minor axis
b = 6356732.3142 m = a/(1-f)
Flattening of ellipsoid
f = 1.0/298.2572235630
Eccentricity of ellipsoid
e = 0.081819191 = (2f-f^2)^0.5
2nd zonal harmonic coeff. of gravitational potential
C2,0 = - 484.16685 x 10^-6
Earth's gravitational const. (with mass of atmosphere)
GM = 0.3986004418 x 10^15 m3/s2
Earth's angular velocity at equator
omega = 7292115 x 10^-11 radians/sec
Centimeter accuracy correction to this model: