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/* thermo.c - Compute thermodynamic properties of individual
species and composition of species */
/* $Id: thermo.c,v 1.2 2001/02/22 19:48:44 antoine Exp $ */
/* Copyright (C) 2000 */
/* Antoine Lefebvre <> */
/* Mark Pinese <> */
/* */
/* Licensed under the GPLv2 */
#include <math.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "thermo.h"
#include "compat.h"
#include "conversion.h"
These variables hold the number of records for propellant and thermo data
unsigned long num_propellant, num_thermo;
/* global variable containing the information about chemical species */
propellant_t *propellant_list;
thermo_t *thermo_list;
VARIABLE: Contain the molar mass of element by atomic number
molar_mass[0] contain hydrogen and so on.
Data come from Sargent-Welch 1996
const float molar_mass[N_SYMB] = {
1.00794, 4.002602, 6.941, 9.012182, 10.811, 12.0107,
14.00674, 15.9994, 18.9984032, 20.11797, 22.989770, 24.305,
26.981538, 28.0855, 30.973761, 32.066, 35.4527, 39.948,
39.0983, 40.078, 44.95591, 47.88, 50.9415, 51.996,
54.938, 55.847, 58.9332, 58.6934, 63.546, 65.39,
69.723, 72.61, 74.9216, 78.96, 79.904, 83.80,
85.4678, 87.62, 88.9059, 91.224, 92.9064, 95.94,
98.0, 101.07, 102.9055, 106.42, 107.868, 112.41,
114.82, 118.71, 121.757, 127.60, 126.9045, 131.29,
132.9054, 137.33, 138.9055, 140.12, 140.9077, 144.24,
145., 150.36, 151.965, 157.25, 158.9253, 162.50,
164.9303, 167.26, 168.9342, 173.04, 174.967, 178.49,
180.9479, 183.85, 186.207, 190.2, 192.22, 195.08,
196.9665, 200.59, 204.383, 207.2, 208.9804, 209.,
210., 222., 223., 226.0254, 227., 232.0381,
231.0359, 238.029, 237.0482, 244., 12.011, 9.01218,
10.811, 24.305, 26.98154, 257.0, 0, 2};
VARIABLE: Contain the symbol of the element in the same way as
for the molar mass.
COMMENTS: It is use in the loading of the data file to recognize
the chemical formula.
const char symb[N_SYMB][3] = {
"H ","HE","LI","BE","B ","C ","N ","O ",
"F ","NE","NA","MG","AL","SI","P ","S ","CL","AR","K ","CA",
"SC","TI","V ","CR","MN","FE","CO","NI","CU","ZN","GA","GE",
"AS","SE","BR","KR","RB","SR","Y ","ZR","NB","MO","TC","RU",
"RH","PD","AG","CD","IN","SN","SB","TE","I ","XE","CS","BA",
"TM","YB","LU","HF","TA","W ","RE","OS","IR","PT","AU","HG","TL",
"PB","BI","PO","AT","RN","FR","RA","AC","TH","PA","U ","NP",
"E ", "D " }; /* the E stand for electron and D for deuterium*/
/* Enthalpy in the standard state (Dimensionless) */
double enthalpy_0(int sp, float T)
thermo_t *s = (thermo_list + sp);
double val;
int pos = 0, i;
if (T < s->range[0][0]) /* Temperature below the lower range */
pos = 0;
} /*Temperature above the higher range */
else if (T >= s->range[s->nint-1][1])
pos = s->nint - 1;
for (i = 0; i < s->nint; i++) /* Find the range */
if ((T >= s->range[i][0]) && (T < s->range[i][1]))
pos = i;
/* parametric equation for dimentionless enthalpy */
val = -s->param[pos][0]*pow(T, -2) + s->param[pos][1]*pow(T, -1)*log(T)
+ s->param[pos][2] + s->param[pos][3]*T/2 + s->param[pos][4]*pow(T, 2)/3
+ s->param[pos][5]*pow(T, 3)/4 + s->param[pos][6]*pow(T, 4)/5
+ s->param[pos][7]/T;
return val; /* dimensionless enthalpy */
/* Entropy in the standard state (Dimensionless)*/
double entropy_0(int sp, float T)
thermo_t *s = (thermo_list + sp);
double val;
int pos = 0, i;
if (T < s->range[0][0])
pos = 0;
else if (T >= s->range[s->nint-1][1])
pos = s->nint - 1;
for (i = 0; i < s->nint; i++)
if ((T >= s->range[i][0]) && (T < s->range[i][1]))
pos = i;
/* parametric equation for dimentionless entropy */
val = -s->param[pos][0]*pow(T, -2)/2 - s->param[pos][1]*pow(T, -1)
+ s->param[pos][2]*log(T) + s->param[pos][3]*T
+ s->param[pos][4]*pow(T, 2)/2
+ s->param[pos][5]*pow(T, 3)/3 + s->param[pos][6]*pow(T, 4)/4
+ s->param[pos][8];
return val;
/* Specific heat in the standard state (Dimensionless) */
double specific_heat_0(int sp, float T)
thermo_t *s = (thermo_list + sp);
double val;
int pos = 0, i;
if (T < s->range[0][0])
pos = 0;
else if (T >= s->range[s->nint-1][1])
pos = s->nint - 1;
for (i = 0; i < s->nint; i++)
if ((T >= s->range[i][0]) && (T < s->range[i][1]))
pos = i;
/* parametric equation for dimentionless specific_heat */
val = s->param[pos][0]*pow(T, -2) + s->param[pos][1]*pow(T, -1)
+ s->param[pos][2] + s->param[pos][3]*T + s->param[pos][4]*pow(T, 2)
+ s->param[pos][5]*pow(T, 3) + s->param[pos][6]*pow(T, 4);
return val;
/* Dimensionless Gibbs free energy in the standard state */
double gibbs_0(int sp, float T)
return enthalpy_0(sp, T) - entropy_0(sp, T); /* dimensionless */
/* Check if the species is in its range of definition
0 if out of range, 1 if ok */
int temperature_check(int sp, float T)
thermo_t *s = (thermo_list + sp);
if ((T > s->range[s->nint-1][1]) || (T < s->range[0][0]))
return 0;
return 1;
/* This function return the transition temperature of the species
considered which is nearest of the temperature T */
double transition_temperature(int sp, float T)
thermo_t *s = (thermo_list + sp);
/* first assume that the lowest temperature is the good one */
double transition_T = s->range[0][0];
/* verify if we did the good bet */
if (fabs(transition_T - T) > fabs(s->range[s->nint-1][1] - T))
transition_T = s->range[s->nint-1][1];
return transition_T;
double entropy(int sp, state_t st, double ln_nj_n, float T, float P)
double s;
switch (st)
case GAS:
/* The thermodynamic data are based on a standard state pressure
of 1 bar (10^5 Pa) */
s = entropy_0(sp, T) - ln_nj_n - log(P * ATM_TO_BAR);
s = entropy_0(sp, T);
s = 0;
return s;
/* J/mol T is in K, P is in atm */
double gibbs(int sp, state_t st, double ln_nj_n, float T, float P)
double g;
switch (st)
case GAS:
g = gibbs_0(sp, T) + ln_nj_n + log(P * ATM_TO_BAR);
g = gibbs_0(sp, T);
g = 0;
return g;
double propellant_molar_mass(int molecule)
int i = 0, coef;
double ans = 0;
while ((coef = (propellant_list + molecule)->coef[i]))
ans += coef * molar_mass[(propellant_list + molecule)->elem[i]];
return ans;
/* J/mol */
double heat_of_formation(int molecule)
double hf = (propellant_list + molecule)->heat *
return hf;
/* should not be in thermo.c */
double propellant_enthalpy(equilibrium_t *e)
int i;
double h = 0.0;
for (i = 0; i < e->propellant.ncomp; i++)
h += e->propellant.coef[i] * heat_of_formation (e->propellant.molecule[i])
/ propellant_mass (e);
return h;
/* should not be in thermo.c */
double product_enthalpy(equilibrium_t *e)
int i;
double h = 0.0;
for (i = 0; i < e->product.n[GAS]; i++)
h += e->product.coef[GAS][i] * enthalpy_0(e->product.species[GAS][i], e->properties.T);
for (i = 0; i < e->product.n[CONDENSED]; i++)
h += e->product.coef[CONDENSED][i] * enthalpy_0(e->product.species[CONDENSED][i], e->properties.T);
return h;
/* should not be in thermo.c */
double product_entropy(equilibrium_t *e)
int i;
double ent = 0.0;
for (i = 0; i < e->product.n[GAS]; i++)
ent += e->product.coef[GAS][i]*entropy(e->product.species[GAS][i], GAS,
e->itn.ln_nj[i] - e->itn.ln_n,
e->properties.T, e->properties.P);
for (i = 0; i < e->product.n[CONDENSED]; i++)
ent += e->product.coef[CONDENSED][i]*entropy(e->product.species[CONDENSED][i],
CONDENSED, 0, e->properties.T, e->properties.P);
return ent;
/* should not be in thermo.c */
/* The specific heat of the mixture for frozen performance */
double mixture_specific_heat_0(equilibrium_t *e, double temp)
int i;
double cp = 0.0;
/* for gases */
for (i = 0; i < e->product.n[GAS]; i++)
cp += e->product.coef[GAS][i]*specific_heat_0(e->product.species[GAS][i], temp);
/* for condensed */
for (i = 0; i < e->product.n[CONDENSED]; i++)
cp += e->product.coef[CONDENSED][i]*
specific_heat_0(e->product.species[CONDENSED][i], temp);
return cp;
int thermo_search(char *str)
int i;
int last = -1;
for (i = 0; i < num_thermo; i++)
if (!(STRNCASECMP(str, (thermo_list + i)->name, strlen(str))))
last = i;
printf("%-5d %s\n", i, (thermo_list + i)->name);
return last;
int propellant_search(char *str)
int i;
int last = -1;
for (i = 0; i < num_propellant; i++)
if (!(STRNCASECMP(str, (propellant_list + i)->name, strlen(str))))
last = i;
printf("%-5d %s\n", i, (propellant_list + i)->name);
return last;
int atomic_number(char *symbole)
int i;
int element = -1;
/* find the atomic number of the element */
for (i = 0; i < N_SYMB; i++)
if (!STRCASECMP(symbole, symb[i]))
element = i;
return element;
int compute_density(composition_t *c)
short i;
double mass = 0;
c->density = 0.0;
for (i = 0; i < c->ncomp; i++)
mass += c->coef[i] * propellant_molar_mass(c->molecule[i]);
for (i = 0; i < c->ncomp; i++)
if ((propellant_list + c->molecule[i])->density != 0.0)
c->density += c->coef[i] * propellant_molar_mass(c->molecule[i])
/ (mass * (propellant_list + c->molecule[i])->density);
if (c->density != 0.0)
c->density = 1/c->density;
return 0;
/* This fonction return the offset of the molecule in the propellant_list
the argument is the chemical formula of the molecule */
int propellant_search_by_formula(char *str)
int i = 0, j ;
char tmp[5];
char *ptr;
int elem[6] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1};
int coef[6] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
int molecule = -1;
ptr = str; /* beginning of the string */
while ( (i < 6) && ((ptr - str) < strlen(str)) )
if (isupper(*ptr) && islower(*(ptr+1)) && (isupper(*(ptr+2)) ||
iscntrl(*(ptr+2))) )
tmp[0] = *ptr;
tmp[1] = toupper(*(ptr+1));
tmp[2] = '\0';
/* find the atomic number of the element */
elem[i] = atomic_number(tmp);
coef[i] = 1;
ptr += 2;
else if (isupper(*ptr) && (isupper(*(ptr+1)) ||
iscntrl(*(ptr+1))) )
tmp[0] = *ptr;
tmp[1] = ' ';
tmp[2] = '\0';
elem[i] = atomic_number(tmp);
coef[i] = 1;
else if (isupper(*ptr) && isdigit(*(ptr+1)))
tmp[0] = *ptr;
tmp[1] = ' ';
tmp[2] = '\0';
elem[i] = atomic_number(tmp);
j = 0;
tmp[j] = *(ptr + 1 + j);
} while (isdigit(*(ptr + 1 + j)));
tmp[j] = '\0';
coef[i] = atoi(tmp);
ptr = ptr + j + 1;
else if (isupper(*ptr) && islower(*(ptr+1)) && isdigit(*(ptr+2)))
tmp[0] = *ptr;
tmp[1] = toupper(*(ptr+1));
tmp[2] = '\0';
elem[i] = atomic_number(tmp);
j = 0;
while (isdigit(*(ptr + 2 + j)))
tmp[j] = *(ptr + 1 + j);
tmp[j] = '\0';
coef[i] = atoi(tmp);
ptr = ptr + j + 2;
for (i = 0; i < 6; i++)
if (elem[i] != -1)
printf("%s %d\n", symb[elem[i]], coef[i]);
for (i = 0; i < num_propellant; i++)
for (j = 0; j < 6; j++)
/* set to the same value as the previous one if the same */
if (!( ((propellant_list+i)->coef[j] == coef[j]) &&
((propellant_list+i)->elem[j] == elem[j]) ))
/* Now search in propellant list for this molecule */
for (j = 0; j < num_propellant; j++)
for (i = 0; i < 6; i++)
if ( (coef[i] != propellant_element_coef(elem[i], j)) &&
(propellant_list + i)
if (j == 5) /* we found the molecule ! */
/* check if the inverse is true */
molecule = i;
return molecule;
/* Mass of propellant in gram */
double propellant_mass(equilibrium_t *e)
int i;
double mass = 0.0;
for (i = 0; i < e->propellant.ncomp; i++)
mass += e->propellant.coef[i] *
return mass;