R. J. Dev. Kwan eb05416991 Initial commit of "Rocket Workbench".
Taken from sources in CVS at:

Sources extracted in two steps:
1. Pull entire project tree into a subdir "rwb" via "rsync":
    rsync -a a.cvs.sourceforge.net::cvsroot/rocketworkbench/ rwb/.
2. Export sources:
    export CVSROOT=$(pwd)/rwb
    SUBDIRS="analyser cpropep cpropep-web CVSROOT data libcompat libcpropep libnum libsimulation libthermo prop rocketworkbench rockflight"
    mkdir rwbx; cd rwbx
    cvs export -D now ${SUBDIRS}

After this (and some backups for safety), the directory content was
added to a Git repo:
    git init .
    git add *
2021-01-20 15:50:36 -08:00

61 lines
1.0 KiB

#ifndef conversion_h
#define conversion_h
/* pressure units */
/* Transform calories to joules */
#define CAL_TO_JOULE 4.1868
/* Transform pound/(cubic inch) to gram/(cubic centimeter) */
#define LBS_IN3_TO_G_CM3 27.679905
/* Transform different pressure units */
#define ATM_TO_PA 101325.0
#define ATM_TO_PSI 14.695949
#define ATM_TO_BAR 1.01325
#define BAR_TO_PSI 14.503774
#define BAR_TO_ATM 0.98692327
#define PSI_TO_ATM 0.068045964
#define KPA_TO_ATM 0.0098692327
/* Length */
#define M_TO_CM 100.0
#define M_TO_IN 39.370079
#define IN_TO_M 0.0254
/* Surface */
#define M2_TO_CM2 10000.0
#define M2_TO_IN2 1550.0031
/* Volume */
#define M3_TO_CM3 1000000.0
#define M3_TO_IN3 61023.744
/* Mass flow */
#define KG_S_TO_LB_S 2.2046226
/* force */
/* newton to pound-force */
#define N_TO_LBF 0.22480894
#define LBF_TO_N 4.4482216