# Cpropep is based on the theory presented by Gordon and McBride # in the NASA report RP-1311. You can download a pdf version of # this document at http://www.arocket.net/library/ # The thermodynamics data file thermo.dat coma also from McBride # at the NASA Gleen Research center. # Here is an example of an input file to be use by cpropep. # Any line beginning by a '#' a space or a new_line is considered # as a comment. # This file should first contain a section named 'Propellant' which # contain a list of all substance contain in the propellant. The # number refer to an element in the data file containing propellant # information. In order to have a list of the substance, you could # invoque the program like that: 'cpropep -p' # There is two units that are support for ingredient quantity g (gram) or m (mole) Propellant +600 6.2012 m +618 7.7632 m #Propellant HTPB/KClO4/Al #+108 78 g #+788 11 g #+34 7 g #+788 8.4 g #+108 62 g #+493 18 g #Propellant DEXTROSE/KNO3 #+1024 35 g #+765 65 g #Propellant DEXTROSE/KNO3/AL #+1024 10 g #+765 37 g #+34 20 g #Propellant PVC/AIR #+1030 60 g #+15 300 g #Propellant H2O2/OCTANE #+673 12 g #+469 80 g #Propellant O2/OCTANE #+686 51 g #+673 20 g #Propellant O2/PROPANE #+686 51 g #+771 20 g #Propellant O2/NH3 #+686 28 g #+54 20 g #Propellant NITRIC ACID/OCTANE #+630 80 g #+673 19 g # You could then specify a list of problem to be solve. There is 4 # possible cases: # TP for temperature-pressure fixed problem # You have to specify the temperature and the pressure (of course) # There is 4 pressure units (psi, kPa, atm and bar) and 3 temperature units (k, c and f) #TP #+chamber_pressure 500 psi #+chamber_temperature 673 k # HP for enthalpy-pressure fixed problem. It use the enthalpy of # the propellant describe at the beginning. # Only the chamber pressure shoud be specified. The temperature of # the product will be the adiabatic flame temperature. #HP #+chamber_pressure 20.4 atm # 136 atm # FR is used to compute frozen performance. # You have to specify the chamber pressure and an exit condition. # This condition could be one of the following three: # exit_pressure: pressure at the exit. # supersonic_area_ratio: exit to throat area for an area after the nozzle # subsonic_area_ratio: exit to throat area for an area before any nozzle FR +chamber_pressure 68.049 atm +exit_pressure 1 atm #+supersonic_area_ratio 8.566 #+subsonic_area_ratio 5 # EQ is used to compute shifting equilibrium performance. # The options are the same as for frozen. EQ +chamber_pressure 68.049 atm +exit_pressure 1 atm #+supersonic_area_ratio 10 #+subsonic_area_ratio 5