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  1. <plaintext>
  2. The NASA thermo data file format was documented in:
  3. Sanford Gordon and Bonnie J. McBride, "Computer Program for Calculation of
  4. Complex Chemical Equilibrium Compositions and Applications: I. Analysis",
  5. NASA Reference Publication 1311, October 1994.
  6. Bonnie J. McBride and Sanford Gordon, "Computer Program for Calculation of
  7. Complex Chemical Equilibrium Compositions and Applications: II. Users Manual
  8. and Program Description", NASA Reference Publication 1311, June 1996.
  9. The equations below for nondimensional specific heat, enthalpy, and
  10. entropy, are given in Sanford and Bonnie (1994). Eqs. 4.6-4.8 are the
  11. "old" NASA format, and Eqs. 4.9-4.11 are the "new" NASA format as discussed
  12. in this file.
  13. Eq. 4.6: Cp0/R = a1 + a2*T + a3*T^2 + a4*T^3 + a5*T^4
  14. Eq. 4.7: H0/RT = a1 + a2/2*T + a3/3*T^2 + a4/4*T^3 + a5/5*T^4 + a6/T
  15. Eq. 4.8: S0/R = a1*ln(T) + a2*T + a3/2*T^2 + a4/3*T^3 + a5/4*T^4 + a7
  16. Eq. 4.9: Cp0/R = a1*T^-2 + a2*T^-1 + a3 + a4*T + a5*T^2 + a6*T^3 + a7*T^4
  17. Eq. 4.10: H0/RT = -a1*T^-2 + a2*T^-1*ln(T) + a3 + a4*T/2 + a5*T^2/3 +
  18. a6*T^3/4 + a7*T^4/5 + b1/T
  19. Eq. 4.11: S0/R = -a1*T^-2/2 - a2*T^-1 + a3*ln(T) + a4*T + a5*T^2/2 +
  20. a6*T^3/6 + a7*T^4/4 + b2
  21. The following information is quoted directly from McBride and Gordon (1996):
  22. "Appendix A: Format for Thermodynamic Data
  23. The library of thermodynamic data contains data for both reaction products
  24. and reactants. All reaction products and some reactants are in the
  25. nine-constant functional form discussed in section 4.2 of Gordon and
  26. McBride (1994). The format for these data is given here. Thermodynamic
  27. data are provided with the program on a separate file, thermo.inp.
  28. Sections 2.8 and 5.24 discuss the processing of the thermo.inp data and
  29. the storing of the processed data in thermo.lib for subsequent use in the
  30. CEA program. Names of species contained in thermo.inp are listed in
  31. Appendix B.
  32. The general format is given in table A1. This format is applicable for
  33. all gaseous species and for those condensed species whose data extend over
  34. a temperature range. For those condensed species with data given at only
  35. one temperature, the format is somewhat different. On record 2, instead
  36. of the last number being a heat of formation, it is an assigned enthalpy.
  37. (Note that if the temperature is 298.15 K, the heat of formation and the
  38. assigned enthalpy are equivalent.) The first number in record 2 (number
  39. of temperature intervals) is always zero. On record 3, only one number is
  40. given, the temperature of the assigned enthalpy on record 2. Two examples are
  41. given. Example A1, for chlorine gas, illustrates the general format.
  42. Example A2, for liquid acetylene, illustrates the format for a condensed
  43. species with data given at only one temperature. The general equations
  44. for dimensionless heat capacity, enthalpy, and entropy (eqs. (4.6) to (4.8)
  45. <sic> from Gordon and McBride, 1994) are repeated for convenience.
  46. Record Constants Format Column
  47. 1 Species name or formula A24 1 to 24
  48. Comments (data source) A56 25-80
  49. 2 Number of T intervals I2 2
  50. Optional identification code A6 4-9
  51. Chemical formulas, symbols, and numbers 5(A2,F6.2) 11-50
  52. Zero for gas and nonzero for condensed phases I1 52
  53. Molecular weight F13.5 53-65
  54. Heat of formation at 298.15 K, J/mol F13.5 66-80
  55. 3 Temperature range 2F10.3 2-21
  56. Number of coefficients for Cp0/R I1 23
  57. T exponents in empirical equation for Cp0/R 8F5.1 24-63
  58. {H0(298.15)-H0(0)}, J/mol F15.3 66-80
  59. 4 First five coefficients for Cp0/R 5D16.8 1-80
  60. 5 Last three coefficients for Cp0/R 3D16.8 1-48
  61. Integration constants b1 and b2 2D16.8 49-80
  62. ... Repeat 3, 4, and 5 for each interval
  63. Example A.1:
  64. CL2 Chlorine gas. TPIS 1989, v1, pt2, p88.
  65. 2 tpis89 CL 2.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 70.90540 0.000
  66. 200.000 1000.000 7 -2.0 -1.0 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 0.0 9181.110
  67. 3.46281724D+04 -5.54712949D+02 6.20759103D+00 -2.98963673D-03 3.17303416D-06
  68. -1.79363467D-09 4.26005863D-13 0.00000000D+00 1.53407075D+03 -9.43835303D+00
  69. 1000.000 6000.000 7 -2.0 -1.0 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 0.0 9181.110
  70. 6.09256675D+06 -1.94962688D+04 2.85453491D+01 -1.44996828D-02 4.46388943D-06
  71. -6.35852403D-10 3.32735931D-14 0.00000000D+00 1.21211722D+05 -1.69077832D+02
  72. Empirical equations for example A.1:
  73. Heat capacity: Cp0/R = a1*T^-2 + a2*T^-1 + a3 + a4*T + a5*T^2 + a6*T^3 + a7*T^4
  74. Enthalpy: H0(T)/(RT) = -a1*T^-2 + a2*T^-1*ln(T) + a3 + a4*T/2 + a5*T^2/3 +
  75. a6*T^3/4 + a7*T^4/5 + b1/T
  76. Entropy: S0(T)/R = -a1*T^-2/2 - a2*T^-1 + a3*ln(T) + a4*T + a5*T^2/2 +
  77. at*T^3/3 + a7*T^4/4 + b2
  78. Example A.2:
  79. C2H2(L),acetyle Acetylene. JANAF Prop.Ser.E,1/67. TRC a-3000,10/86.
  80. 0 1 3/95 C 2.00H 2.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1 26.03788 207599.000
  81. 192.35"
  82. Notes:
  83. 1. Besides a very different file layout, the most significant change between
  84. the older (1971) NASA thermo data and the 1996 data is the generalization
  85. to any number of temperature intervals.
  86. 2. The preceding discussion only mentions the format of individual species
  87. data blocks. In addition, the thermo input file included with the NASA
  88. CEA program contains:
  89. a. Comments at the top of the file marked by exclamation (!) points in the
  90. first column
  91. b. Two lines at the beginning of the species data:
  92. i. One line containing only "thermo"
  93. ii. One line with 4 temperatures and a date
  94. c. A line containing only "END PRODUCTS" separating product species from
  95. reactants, and a line at the end of the file containing only
  97. 3. There are some differences between the format actually used by CEA and
  98. the format described in McBride and Gordon (1996), and some undocumented
  99. features:
  100. a. In the CEA code, the actual read and format statements differ from the
  101. documentation by:
  102. i. The species name on the first line of a block is 15 characters long,
  103. not 24. The rest of the line is comments.
  104. ii. The heat of formation at the end of line 2 is read with f15.3, not f13.5
  105. iii. The temperature range at the beginning of line 3 is read as 2F11.3,
  106. not 2F10.3.
  107. iv. Line 5 is formatted as 2D16.8,16x,2D16.8 rather than
  108. 3D16.8,2D16.8. The 16x acknowledges that the third field is
  109. not actually used. The first two fields are the 6th and 7th
  110. polynomial coefficients, and the last two fields are the 8th and
  111. 9th (integration constants).
  112. b. Although the number of polynomial coefficients is included in the data,
  113. this number is almost always 7 (plus 2 integration constants). In the
  114. current NASA database, there are only 3 species that use less than
  115. 7 coefficients (P4O10(cr), P4O10(cr), and P4O10(L)). Apparently if
  116. less than 7 are used, they are the lowest numbered (a1, a2, a3, ...).
  117. 4. In the preceding excerpt from McBride and Gordon (1996), reference is
  118. made to eqs. (4.6) to (4.8). These should be eqs. (4.9) to (4.11).