/* * * PRU Debug Program * (c) Copyright 2011, 2013 by Arctica Technologies * Written by Steven Anderson * */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "prudbg.h" #include "uio.h" // global variable definitions unsigned int *pru; unsigned int pru_inst_base[MAX_NUM_OF_PRUS]; unsigned int pru_ctrl_base[MAX_NUM_OF_PRUS]; unsigned int pru_data_base[MAX_NUM_OF_PRUS]; unsigned int pru_num = 0; unsigned int last_offset, last_addr, last_len, last_cmd; struct breakpoints bp[MAX_NUM_OF_PRUS][MAX_BREAKPOINTS]; struct watchvariable wa[MAX_NUM_OF_PRUS][MAX_WATCH]; // processor database typedef struct offsets_tag { unsigned int pruss_inst; unsigned int pruss_data; unsigned int pruss_ctrl; } offsets_t; struct pdb_tag { char processor[MAX_PROC_NAME]; char short_name[MAX_PROC_NAME]; unsigned int pruss_address; unsigned int pruss_len; unsigned int num_of_pruss; const offsets_t offsets[MAX_NUM_OF_PRUS]; } pdb[] = { // The following is a "database" of available processors. // To add another processor please copy one of the existing structures to // the end before the END MARKER structure. "processor" is the long name // for the processor (used for displaying info), "short_name" is used to // select a processor at the command prompt (should be short and no spaces), // "pruss_address" is the byte address of the beginning of the PRUSS memory // space on the ARM, "pruss_len" is the memory allocated starting at the // pruss_address address, "num_of_pruss" is the number of PRUs in the ARM // processor (currently 2 is the only valid value), and "offsets" is an // array of 32-bit word address/index values used to locate the instruction, // data, and control memory locations for a specific PRU. This offsets // array much contain num_of_pruss entries. If you add a processor to // this structure then you should also add a DEFINE to the beginning of // the prudbg.h file to represent the processor index in the structure // array. This is only used for the DEFAULT_PROCESSOR_INDEX in the // prudbg.h file (this sets the processor used if none is selected // on the command line). { .processor = "AM1707", .short_name = "AM1707", .pruss_address = 0x01C30000, .pruss_len = 0x20000, .num_of_pruss = 2, .offsets = { { .pruss_inst = 0x2000, .pruss_data = 0x0000, .pruss_ctrl = 0x1C00 }, { .pruss_inst = 0x3000, .pruss_data = 0x0800, .pruss_ctrl = 0x1E00 } } }, { .processor = "AM335x", .short_name = "AM335X", .pruss_address = 0x4A300000, .pruss_len = 0x40000, .num_of_pruss = 2, .offsets = { { .pruss_inst = 0xD000, .pruss_data = 0x0000, .pruss_ctrl = 0x8800 }, { .pruss_inst = 0xE000, .pruss_data = 0x0800, .pruss_ctrl = 0x9000 } } }, { // end marker .processor = "NONE", .short_name = "NONE", .num_of_pruss = 0 } }; int strcmpci(char *str1, char *str2, int m) { unsigned int i; char c1, c2; int r; r = 1; for (i=0; str1[i] != 0 && i96 && c1<123) c1 = c1 - 32; if (c2>96 && c2<123) c2 = c2 - 32; if (c1 != c2) r = 0; } if ((i==m) || (str2[i] != 0)) r = 0; return r; } // main entry point for program int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int fd; char prompt_str[20]; char cmd[MAX_CMD_LEN], cmdargs[MAX_CMDARGS_LEN]; unsigned int argptrs[MAX_ARGS], numargs; struct termios oldT, newT; unsigned int i; unsigned int addr, len, bpnum, offset, wanum, value; int opt; unsigned long opt_pruss_addr; int pru_access_mode, pi, pitemp; char uio_dev_file[50]; // say hello printf ("PRU Debugger v0.25\n"); printf ("(C) Copyright 2011, 2013 by Arctica Technologies. All rights reserved.\n"); printf ("Written by Steven Anderson\n"); printf ("\n"); // get command line options opt_pruss_addr = 0; pru_access_mode = ACCESS_GUESS; pi = DEFAULT_PROCESSOR_INDEX; while ((opt = getopt(argc, argv, "?a:p:um")) != -1) { switch (opt) { case 'a': opt_pruss_addr = strtol(optarg, NULL, 0); break; case 'u': pru_access_mode = ACCESS_UIO; break; case 'm': pru_access_mode = ACCESS_MEM; break; case 'p': pitemp = -1; for(i=0; pdb[i].num_of_pruss != 0; i++) if (strcmpci(optarg, pdb[i].short_name, MAX_PROC_NAME)) pitemp = i; if (pitemp == -1) { printf("WARNING: unrecognized processor - will use the compiled-in default processor.\n\n"); } else { pi = pitemp; } break; case '?': default: /* '?' */ printf("Usage: prudebug [-a pruss-address] [-u] [-m] [-p processor]\n"); printf(" -a - pruss-address is the memory address of the PRU in ARM memory space\n"); printf(" -u - force the use of UIO to map PRU memory space\n"); printf(" -m - force the use of /dev/mem to map PRU memory space\n"); printf(" if neither the -u or -m options are used then it will try the UIO first\n"); printf(" -p - select processor to use (sets the PRU memory locations)\n"); for(i=0; pdb[i].num_of_pruss != 0; i++) { printf(" %s - %s\n", pdb[i].short_name, pdb[i].processor); } return(-1); } } // setup PRU memory offsets for (i=0; i ", pru_num); cmd_input(prompt_str, cmd, cmdargs, argptrs, &numargs); // do something with command info if (!strcmp(cmd, "?") || !strcmp(cmd, "HELP")) { // HELP - help command last_cmd = LAST_CMD_NONE; printhelp(); } else if (!strcmp(cmd, "HB")) { // brief HELP last_cmd = LAST_CMD_NONE; printhelpbrief(); } else if (!strcmp(cmd, "BR")) { // BR - Breakpoint command last_cmd = LAST_CMD_NONE; if (numargs == 0) { cmd_print_breakpoints(); } else if (numargs == 1) { bpnum = strtol(&cmdargs[argptrs[0]], NULL, 0); if (bpnum < MAX_BREAKPOINTS) { cmd_clear_breakpoint (bpnum); } else { printf("ERROR: breakpoint number must be equal to or between 0 and %u\n", MAX_BREAKPOINTS-1); } } else if (numargs == 2) { bpnum = strtol(&cmdargs[argptrs[0]], NULL, 0); addr = strtol(&cmdargs[argptrs[1]], NULL, 0); if (bpnum < MAX_BREAKPOINTS) { cmd_set_breakpoint (bpnum, addr); } else { printf("ERROR: breakpoint number must be equal to or between 0 and %u\n", MAX_BREAKPOINTS-1); } } else { printf("ERROR: invalid breakpoint command\n"); } } else if ((!strcmp(cmd, "D")) || (!strcmp(cmd, "DD")) || (!strcmp(cmd, "DI"))) { // D - Dump command if (numargs > 2) { printf("ERROR: too many arguments\n"); } else { if (numargs == 2) { addr = strtol(&cmdargs[argptrs[0]], NULL, 0); len = strtol(&cmdargs[argptrs[1]], NULL, 0); } else if (numargs == 0) { addr = 0; len = 16; } else { addr = strtol(&cmdargs[argptrs[0]], NULL, 0); len = 16; } if ((addr < 0) || (addr > MAX_PRU_MEM - 1) || (len < 0) || (addr+len > MAX_PRU_MEM)) { printf("ERROR: arguments out of range.\n"); } else if (numargs > 2) { printf("ERROR: Incorrect format. Please use help command to get command details.\n"); } else { if (!strcmp(cmd, "DD")) { offset = pru_data_base[pru_num]; last_cmd = LAST_CMD_DD; } else if (!strcmp(cmd, "DI")) { offset = pru_inst_base[pru_num]; last_cmd = LAST_CMD_DI; } else { offset = 0; last_cmd = LAST_CMD_D; } last_offset = offset; last_addr = addr + len; last_len = len; printf ("Absolute addr = 0x%04x, offset = 0x%04x, Len = %u\n", addr + offset, addr, len); cmd_d(offset, addr, len); } } } else if (!strcmp(cmd, "DIS")) { // DIS - disassemble command if (numargs > 2) { printf("ERROR: too many arguments\n"); } else { if (numargs == 2) { addr = strtol(&cmdargs[argptrs[0]], NULL, 0); len = strtol(&cmdargs[argptrs[1]], NULL, 0); } else if (numargs == 0) { addr = 0; len = 16; } else { addr = strtol(&cmdargs[argptrs[0]], NULL, 0); len = 16; } if ((addr < 0) || (addr > MAX_PRU_MEM - 1) || (len < 0) || (addr+len > MAX_PRU_MEM)) { printf("ERROR: arguments out of range.\n"); } else if (numargs > 2) { printf("ERROR: Incorrect format. Please use help command to get command details.\n"); } else { offset = pru_inst_base[pru_num]; last_cmd = LAST_CMD_DIS; last_offset = offset; last_addr = addr + len; last_len = len; printf ("Absolute addr = 0x%04x, offset = 0x%04x, Len = %u\n", addr + offset, addr, len); cmd_dis(offset, addr, len); } } } else if (!strcmp(cmd, "G")) { // G - Start program last_cmd = LAST_CMD_NONE; if (numargs > 1) { printf("ERROR: too many arguments\n"); } else if (numargs == 0) { // start processor cmd_run(); } else { // set instruction pointer addr = strtol(&cmdargs[argptrs[0]], NULL, 0); // start processor // cmd_run_at(addr); printf("NOT IMPLEMENTED YET.\n"); } } else if (!strcmp(cmd, "GSS")) { // GSS - Start program using single stepping to provde BP/Watch last_cmd = LAST_CMD_NONE; if (numargs > 0) { printf("ERROR: too many arguments\n"); } else { // halt the processor cmd_runss(); } } else if (!strcmp(cmd, "HALT")) { // HALT - Halt PRU last_cmd = LAST_CMD_NONE; if (numargs > 0) { printf("ERROR: too many arguments\n"); } else { // halt the processor cmd_halt(); } } else if (!strcmp(cmd, "L")) { // L - Load PRU program last_cmd = LAST_CMD_NONE; if (numargs != 2) { printf("ERROR: incorrect number of arguments\n"); } else { addr = strtol(&cmdargs[argptrs[0]], NULL, 0); cmd_loadprog(addr, &cmdargs[argptrs[1]]); } } else if (!strcmp(cmd, "PRU")) { // PRU - Select the active PRU last_cmd = LAST_CMD_NONE; if (numargs != 1) { printf("ERROR: incorrect number of arguments\n"); } else { pru_num = strtol(&cmdargs[argptrs[0]], NULL, 0); printf("Active PRU is PRU%u.\n\n", pru_num); } } else if (!strcmp(cmd, "R")) { // R - Print PRU registers last_cmd = LAST_CMD_NONE; if (numargs != 0) { printf("ERROR: incorrect number of arguments\n"); } else { cmd_printregs(); } } else if (!strcmp(cmd, "RESET")) { // RESET - Reset PRU last_cmd = LAST_CMD_NONE; if (numargs > 0) { printf("ERROR: too many arguments\n"); } else { // reset the processor cmd_soft_reset(); printf("\n"); } } else if (!strcmp(cmd, "SS")) { // SS - Single step last_cmd = LAST_CMD_SS; if (numargs > 0) { printf("ERROR: too many arguments\n"); } else { // reset the processor cmd_single_step(); } } else if (!strcmp(cmd, "WA")) { // WA - Watch command last_cmd = LAST_CMD_NONE; if (numargs == 0) { cmd_print_watch(); } else if (numargs == 1) { wanum = strtol(&cmdargs[argptrs[0]], NULL, 0); if (wanum < MAX_WATCH) { cmd_clear_watch (wanum); } else { printf("ERROR: breakpoint number must be equal to or between 0 and %u\n", MAX_WATCH-1); } } else if (numargs == 2) { wanum = strtol(&cmdargs[argptrs[0]], NULL, 0); addr = strtol(&cmdargs[argptrs[1]], NULL, 0); if (wanum < MAX_WATCH) { cmd_set_watch_any (wanum, addr); } else { printf("ERROR: breakpoint number must be equal to or between 0 and %u\n", MAX_WATCH-1); } } else if (numargs == 3) { wanum = strtol(&cmdargs[argptrs[0]], NULL, 0); addr = strtol(&cmdargs[argptrs[1]], NULL, 0); value = strtol(&cmdargs[argptrs[2]], NULL, 0); if (wanum < MAX_WATCH) { cmd_set_watch (wanum, addr, value); } else { printf("ERROR: breakpoint number must be equal to or between 0 and %u\n", MAX_WATCH-1); } } else { printf("ERROR: invalid breakpoint command\n"); } } else if ((!strcmp(cmd, "WR")) || (!strcmp(cmd, "WRD")) || (!strcmp(cmd, "WRI"))) { // WR - Write Raw last_cmd = LAST_CMD_NONE; addr = strtol(&cmdargs[argptrs[0]], NULL, 0); if (numargs < 2) { printf("ERROR: too few arguments\n"); } else { if ((addr < 0) || (addr > MAX_PRU_MEM - 1)) { printf("ERROR: arguments out of range.\n"); } else { if (!strcmp(cmd, "WRD")) { offset = pru_data_base[pru_num]; } else if (!strcmp(cmd, "WRI")) { offset = pru_inst_base[pru_num]; } else { offset = 0; } printf("Write to absolute address 0x%04x\n", offset+addr); for (i=1; i